Saturday, November 22, 2014

Nagoya sightseeing day

My first day in Nagoya was a sightseeing one. Mrs. Takeda picked me up in the morning. Our first stop was Nagoya castle. I had visited here four years ago. They have done an amazing amount of reconstruction since then. We were greeted by two young men in period costumes. 

At the entrance you can see a large metal building on the left. Under this temporary building they are reconstructing the original palace from scratch by traditional methods. The silk screens and wood craftsmanship is gorgeous.

After the castle we visited one my favorite shops, the 100 yen store.  Our dollar store equivalent but much of the merchandise is a better than ours.

After the 100 yen store we went to two fabulous exhibits. 

The first one was an exhibition of a selection of works by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) an ukiyo-e (a genre of woodblock prints and paintings) artist active in the late Edo period, from the world-famous collection of Japanese art at the Museum of Fine Arts(MFA), Boston.

The second was an exhibition of some 140 works spanning the four-decade career of one of Japan’s most well-known embroidery artists, Shizuka Kusano. 

Being a lover of all the needle arts, I could have spent all day just looking at this beautiful exhibit.  

1 comment:

  1. The embroidery is amazing. Sounds like interesting sight seeing.
