Here's another Christmas bulb like the last.
This time I added beads between the rings. Personally when your trying to make as many as possible, I'm not sure it's worth the time.
I was pulling out my Christmas decorations today and came across the bulb I was making last year.
I definitely like this one better, more bling. I think I may make a few this year if I find the time. Guess I need to make another trip to the bead store.
I like both of them but the more bling is for sure my favorite. Karen
ReplyDeleteQue bonita!!!!!! me quede con la boca abierta.Es preciosa!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your decorations and especially the more blinged one. I hope to have a go at decorating baubles this year but time is running out.
ReplyDeletehappy tatting
Your bulbs are beautiful! The second one looks easier to me, but I've never actually made one, so it's hard to tell.
ReplyDeleteI decided trying my hand at one yesterday after seeing your first post. I decided to make the first one without beads. That was a mistake. I forgot to leave a length of thread between two of the rings. I'll try again. Thanks for the inspiration!
Aaaaaah- a trip to the bead store. What a terrible chore to have to do;)
ReplyDeleteImagine my surprise when I opened my exchange box! Thank you so very much! I am honored!
ReplyDeleteIn love with it