The first workshop in Tokyo was like the rest 10 am to 3:30 pm with a 45 minute lunch. I arrive early and begin by laying out a display table with my variations of their project and miscellaneous tatting I've brought to share. Of course the table would not be complete without a tatting shuttle display. After a brief introduction, the girls work on their project. My pattern was translated into Japanese by my host Mr. Shokoin.
Occasionally a beginner would ask how to do a split ring but the most requests were to see the split chain demonstrated. I also would have small groups come up to my table and show them how to attach the thread to the ring, make a lock-stitch chain and show them where is attach to the purse to make the opening work. Then after lunch I would discuss the various parts of my display.
I unfortunately did not get pictures of the projects that the ladies brought to be judged at this first Tokyo workshop. The only picture I got was of the young lady I chose for a prize. She had worked with some amazingly small threads. Before I left she gave me a tiny piece shown here with the penny. I am in awe of anyone who can work with thread this fine.
After class Yusai took Mrs. Hattori, Mrs. Sato and myself to the Sensouji Temple. The gate had a huge lantern and inside was a beautiful 5 story pagoda. Before going back to the hotel we made a stop at some local bead stores. I had dinner with some friends from Hawaii this night
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